Strong competition is becoming the major characteristic of nowadays market. For that reason organizations strive not only to acquire new customers, but to keep current customers and develop relationships with them. The effective organization of marketing, sale and customer service is needed for solving these problems. Armenian Software offers CRM- customer relationship management systems to satisfy these needs of banks and enterprises.
Customer relationship management solutions are based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform.Microsoft Dynamics CRMis full automation system of customer relationship management.It includes the best world experience of marketing, sales and customer service. Microsoft Dynamics CRM can be easily adopted by organizations to fit the way they work. It can easily be integrated with other systems in the company -AS-accounting systems, e-mail, Call Center, web site, workflow, etc.

  • AS-Bank Description
  • AS-InternetBank Description
  • AS-ClientBank Description
  • AS-Enterprise Description
  • AS-Accountant Description