
AS-Shop is a complete and affordable system for your store. The system provides full automation of purchases, sales and shop control. The system has a user-friendly interface, wide functionality, and is integrated with ECR machines, POS terminals, and trading devices.
The system is easy to install and use because of its intuitive and straightforward structure.
Comprehensive support helps users to use the system at its best and efficiently manage the shop.
AS-Shop system is designed for a shop with one cash desk. It provides 2 licenses: for the manager and the seller. Registrations in the system are made only on behalf of one organization or individual entrepreneur (TIN). And for those organizations that have many points of sales, are engaged in wholesale trade or production, we offer AS-Trade system.
Database of AS-Shop system is stored in the cloud, which provides 24/7 access to data. Data is also available via Mobile App. This is very convenient especially for the managers of the organization, because it makes it possible to monitor accounting, analyze and make decisions from anywhere. You can also create documents and directories through the application.
AS-Shop is integrated with b2b.armsoft online platform, which involves a complex of informative services.
Integration of AS-Shop system with new generation cash control machines and trading devices simplifies sales process and enables to serve customers quickly.
AS-Shop is also integrated with the AS-Accounting system, which ensures error-free and fast data transfer between the two systems.

  • AS-Shop system flyer (Armenian version)

Demo (9.1.2)