A presentation of new features of online payments was held in Armsoft

On June 18th, 2015 a presentation-seminar on new features of online payments in AS-Bank system was held in Armsoft office. During the seminar were introduced:

  • Features of about 35 new services added to the system – digital wallets, accepting payments to suppliers and service-providers. Particularly:

    - main purposes and application field

    - general working principles

    - payment accepting process

    - accepting the payments in Bank and via AS-InternetBank system

    - flexible customization features

  • New features added to credit repayment process (online repayments via terminals, banks and payment companies)

Representatives of banks using AS-Bank system and Tell-Cell company were attending the presentation.

Several questions and suggestions were also discussed during the presentation. Armsoft introduced plans for further developments.

The above mentioned additions were included in V150515 version of AS-Bank system.

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