Implementation of AS-Human Resources subsystem in Darmantest Laboratories been completed

In September, 2015 implementation of AS-Enterprise system’s Human Resourses subsystem was completed in Darmantest Laboratories.

Darmantest Laboratories  is a user of AS-Enterprise system since 2014. Accounting, Fixed assets, Inventory holdings,  Orders, Payroll subsystems are already implemented in the company.

Implementation of  the new subsystem and it’s integration with the ones already in use will provide full automation of company’s human resources management.

AS-Human Resources subsytem will provide the following main functions:

  • Employee data management
  • Personnel orders management (hire, dismiss, transfer orders, etc.) and changing financial orders
  • Creating and running company positions list
  • Tracking and saving employees work history
  • Creating employees vacation schedule
  • Confidentiality of human recourses data
  • Automation of human resources reports
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